This event has already taken place
The Tap Dancing Mermaid
Above The Angel Hotel, Helston
11am & 2pm 27th-29th October 2023
by Tessa Bide presented by Trevow Helston
It's time to hear the Moon's story, one you will NEVER forget...
Gather round for the Moon’s magical story about a tippetty-top tap dancer who he has been watching at night. Marina Skippett creeps out of her house every night to shuffle and stomp on the boardwalk to the sounds of the sea. She can’t tap dance at home any more since her evil, tractor-sized Aunty banned it! But then, one moonlit night, Marina meets a mysterious, watery boy swimming in the sea and her life is never the same again!
The “truly amazing one woman power house” (Guide 2 Bristol) Tessa Bide is returning with her solo show, heralded “just everything a children’s theatre experience should be” (Childplays) to celebrate its 10 year anniversary. Featuring stunning puppets, original live music and tap dancing that will make you want to stick 50ps to your shoes and join in!
“The Tap Dancing Mermaid is the perfect example of a show where the adults are just as enthralled as the kids.”
A Younger Theatre
Written and performed by Tessa Bide
Moon narration: Adam Fuller
Designer: Marta Gemma
Puppet maker: Sarah Dicks
Music: Matt Huxley
Sound Design: Gwen Thomson
Poster Artwork: Lydia Davies and Emily Faulkner


Make a Puppet Workshop
3.30pm 27th October
Above The Angel Hotel, Helston
This simple puppet-making workshop is where chlidren learnt a simple formula to make a walking, talking puppet out of just newspaper, masking tape, and a couple of lolly sticks.

Free Beginner Puppetry for Children
3.30pm 28th October
Above The Angel Hotel, Helston
In this workshop, we played games and learnt how to make objects breathe, move, and have personalities!
Venue Information
This event took place in the Old Ballroom above The Angel Hotel,16 Coinagehall St, Helston TR13 8EB.
This pop-up event was an experiment. One of Trevow Helston's ambitions is to repurpose underused spaces in the centre of Helston, breathing new life into these often beautiful and historic spaces.
Access to the Old Ballroom is via a straight flight of steps. Trevow Helston acknowledges that the poor access to this space creates a barrier for some people to access the Tap Dancing Mermaid and acknowledges that this is a failing of this event. As other pop-up events manifest themselves accessability will be prioritised. If you have any further access questions please feel free to email us at hello@trevowhelston.co.uk.
Chairs were available for adults. There was floor space and cushions for children.
There is no parking available at the venue however there are multiple pay and display car parks in Helston as well as free on-street parking on Sundays.
The Angel Hotel served drinks downstairs before, during and after the event.
Due to the nature of the production, latecomers could not be admitted.
The run time was 45 minutes.
Our performances may be filmed or photographed and the material may be used by Trevow Helston, its sister company Cousin Jack's or Tessa Bide Productions at any time for evaluation, promotion or other projects. Please be aware that it is the ticket buyer's responsibility to inform members of their party that this will be happening.
Tickets were non-refundable.